A | B | C| D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
= | same as |
? | possible or doubtful |
A | |
ac | account |
adm | admitted |
advt(s) | advertisment(s) |
ag | against |
agnt | agent |
aka | also known as |
All | Alley |
app | apprenticed to (with date) |
apr | appraiser |
arr | arrived |
assoc | associate of (or associated with) |
asst | assistant (of) |
auct | auction |
B | |
b | born |
bap | baptizes |
bcm | button-card maker |
Bdge | Bridge |
bk | book |
bkrpt | bankrupt |
BL | British Library |
Bldgs | Buildings |
Bod | Bodleian Library |
bot | bought |
bro | brother of |
BroSc | Brother of Stationers Co |
bus | business |
C | |
c | approximately |
cat | catalogue |
CE | Anglican |
cert | certificate |
cf | See or refer (also) to |
Ch | Church/child(ren) |
Cham | Chambers |
Chron | Chronicle |
chs | china/glass/earthenware seller/dealer |
Chyd | Churchyard |
Cl | Close |
Co | Company |
col | coloured |
Coll | Collection |
collab | collaborated with |
Coml | Commercial |
Comm | Commisioner |
cont | continued |
cr | corner |
Cres | Crescent |
CRO | County Record Office (preceded by county abbreviation) |
Ct | Court |
D | |
d | died |
dau | daughter of |
Dir | Directory |
Diss | Dissenter/Dissenting |
diss | dissolved |
distr | distributor |
dlr | dealer |
doc(s) | document(s) |
Dr | Door |
E | |
E | East |
Ed | edited by (or editor of) |
edn(s) | edition(s) |
educ | educated |
empl | employee/employed |
eng(s) | engraved, engraving(s) |
est | established |
ESTC | Eighteen-Century Short-Title Catalogue |
exec | executor |
F | |
fath | father (of) |
fl | flourished |
Fld(s) | Field(s) |
FO | Fire Office |
FP | fire insurance policy |
fr | freed (with date) |
FSC | Free of the Stationers' Co (with date) |
G | |
Gaz | Gazette |
Gdn | Garden |
gds | goods |
gen | general |
Gn | Green |
Gro | Grove |
gt | Great |
H | |
Hse | House |
husb | husband of |
I | |
imp | imprint(s) |
incl | including |
info | information |
ins | insurance (policy) |
ins | insurance agent |
instr | instrument |
J | |
J | Journal |
jman | journeyman |
jr | junior |
jt | joint |
Jud | Jewish/Judaica |
JW | Junior (Under) Warden |
L | |
La | Lane |
Lit | Little/literature |
LivSC | Livery Stationers' Co (with date) |
lot | lottery agent |
M | |
mag | magazine |
mar | married |
mast | master of (ie apprentices included) |
matls | materials |
merch | merchant |
Meth | Methodist |
mfr | manufacturer/manufacturing |
mim | mathematical-instrument maker |
mis | mathematical-instrument seller/dealer |
mkr | maker |
Mkt | Market |
mo | mother (of) |
MS | manuscript |
MSC | Master of Stationers' Co (with Date) |
mus | music(al) |
N | |
N | North |
n | Next |
n/d | next door to |
naut | nautical |
nd | no date |
neph | nephew of |
nim | nautical-instrument maker |
nis | nautical-instrument seller/dealer |
no | number |
nr | Near |
nrm | newsroom |
O | |
o/a | over against |
occ | occasionally |
Off | Office |
opp/op | opposite |
opt | optical |
orig | original(ly) |
P | |
part | partner of/partnership between etc. |
Pass | Passage |
pcm | pattern-card maker |
pha | pharmacist/druggist/chemist/patent-medicine seller |
Pl | Place |
PO | Post Office |
pos | postmaster/postmistress |
poss | possible(y) |
prev | previous(ly) |
PRO | Public Record Office |
prob | probable/probably |
prop | proprietor |
prov | provincial |
pt(s) | part(s) |
ptd | printed |
ptng | printing |
pub | publisher of (to) |
pubn(s) | publication(s) |
Q | |
qv | whom (which) see |
R | |
RC | Roman Catholic |
Rd | Road |
ref | reference |
regd | registered |
REIP | Royal Exchange Insurance Policy |
rel | related to or relative of |
relig | religious |
rept(s) | report(s) |
res | residence |
rrm | reading room |
S | |
S | South |
s/a | same as |
s/o | At the sign of |
s/r | same as or related to |
sch | schoolmaster/schoolmistress |
SFIP | Sun Fire Insurance Policy |
sis | sister of |
skpr | shopkeeper |
slr | seller |
Soc | Society |
son | son of |
SPCK | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge |
Sq | Square |
sr | senior |
St | Street or Saint |
sta | stamp agent, stamp office |
StatCo | Stationers' Co |
STC | Short-Title Catalogue (see sources) |
subs | subscription(s)/subscribed to |
subsq | subsequent(ly) |
succ | succeeded |
sucr | successor (ie succeeded by) |
Supt | Superintendent |
sur | land surveyor |
SW | Senior (Upper) Warden |
T | |
t/o | turned over (to) |
Tce | Terrace |
tob | tobacconist |
toy | toyman/woman, toyshop |
trans | translated |
trdg | trading as |
trus | trust/in trust for |
typog | typographical |
U | |
uim | musical-instrument maker |
uis | musical-instrument seller |
V | |
var | various |
vict | victualler |
W | |
W | West |
w | with |
w/n | within |
w/o | without |
whse | warehouse |
wid | widow (of) |
Wk | Walk |
wksp | workshop |
Y | |
Yd | Yard |
yr | year |