The English Provincial Book Trade Before 1850
A checklist of secondary sources by John Feather (Oxford Bibliographical Society, Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1981) with later additions by Paul Morgan
This bibliography is made available through the British Book Trade Index database export released under a CC Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) licence. The copyright in the original published list remains with the Oxford Bibliographical Society.
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Author | Title | Publishing Details | |
Cowtan, Robert | Autobiography | ||
Cranfield, G. A. | The development of the provincial newspaper 1700-60. | Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. | |
Cranfield, G. A. | The first Cambridge newspaper. | Proc.Cambridge Antiq Soc., 45(1951), 5-16. | |
Creswell, S. F. | Collections towards the history of printing in Nottinghamshire. | London: John Russell Smith, 1863. | |
Cropper, Percy J. | The Nottinghamshire printed chapbooks. | Nottingham, 1892. | |
Cross, A. | From Hull to Petersburg: Levesque's History of Russia printed by George Prince | Factotum, 33 (1991), 14-17 | |
Crouch, Jane L. | Some chapbooks printed by J. & C. H. Johnson of Leeds: a study. | Leeds University M.A. thesis, 1976. | |
Crouch, Marcus, ed. | A book of Kent made by the printers of Kent. | Tenterden: Paul Norbury Publications, 1976. | |
Crump, M.J. & R. I. Goulden | [Rev. Samuel] Fancourt's circulating library at Salisbury | Factotum 3, pp. 9-13 | |
Crutchley, Brooke. | The first Cambridge printer. In Crutchley, Brooke. Siberch celebrations 1521-1971. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. | |
Curtis, Lewis Perry. | The first printer of Tristram Shandy. | Publ. Modern Language Assoc., 47 (1932), 777-89. | |
Daish, A. N. | Printers' pride. The house of Yelf at Newport Isle of Wight 1816-1966. | Newport: Yelf Bros., 1967. | |
Daphne Franks, | Printing and publishing in Stokesley | Stokesley and District Local History Study Group (1984) | |
Davies, Robert. | A memoir of the York press. | Westminster: Nichols and Sons, 1868. | |
Dawson, Thomas. | The pamphlet literature of Liverpool. | Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Soc., new ser., 5 (1865), 73-138. | |
Day, J.C. | Circulating library in the northeast | History of the Book Trade in the North, 67 (1994) | |
Day, J.R. | Circulating library in the northeast | History of the Book Trade in the North, 67 (1994) | |
De la Mare, A. C., and Hellinga, Lotte. | The first book printed in Oxford: the Expositio Symboli of Rufinus. | TCBS, 7 (1978), 184-244. | |
Dickinson, M. G. | Early Exeter printers and booksellers, 1669-1741. | Devon and Cornwal NQ, 29 (1962-64), 164-71. | |
Dickons, J. Norton. | A catalogue of books, pamphlets, &c., published at Bradford. | Bradford, 1895. | |
Dixon, Diana | Newspapers in Huntingdonshire in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries | The Mighty Engine, 143-151 | |
Dodds, K. Ruth | Hexham imprints 1780-1900 | Book trade in the North, 50 (1998) | |
Dredge, John Ingle. | Devon booksellers & printers in the 17th & 18th centuries. | Plymouth: W. H. Luke, 1885. | |
Dreyfus, John. | The survival of Baskerville's punches. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1949. | |
Duff, E. Gordon. | A bookseller's accounts, c.1510. | Libr., 2nd ser., 8 (1907), 256-66. | |
Duff, E. Gordon. | A century of the English book trade. | London: The Bibliographical Society, 1905. | |
Duff, E. Gordon. | Notes on a book printed at York in 1579. | Publ. Edinburgh Bibliographical Soc., 3 (1897), 133-36. | |
Duff, E. Gordon. | The printers, stationers and bookbinders of York up to 1600. | TBS, 5 (1899), 87-107. | |
Duval, Gilles | The Diceys revisited | Factotum, 35 (1992), 9-11 | |
Earwaker, J. P. | Notes on the early booksellers and stationers of Manchester prior to the year 1700. | Trans. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiq. Soc., 6 (1888), 1-26. |